Guardianship and support question

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My husband and I agreed to take in a girl from our church for the summer. She is 16 and was living with her dad and step-mom. Their house was foreclosed and they are divorcing. Dad was living in a rehab facility for the summer for a drug problem. Step-mom has no interest in taking care of her. Apparently, dad is using again and has left the rehab house. School started yesterday and she is still here.

We would like to get some kind of guardianship so that we are able to sign her school paperwork (Dad wouldn't come sign it, we had to have a friend at the district get her into school) and to get medical treatment as necessary. We also have four children of our own at home and money is tight. My husband is on Workmen's Comp after an accident in October and I am on unemployment. Are we eligible for any assistance for her?

What should we do from here?
If you apply for financial help, you will have to apply for child support and once that happens I can almost guarantee dad will take her back. Before you taker her in figure out if you can afford her. If Dad is unemployed you won't be getting any child support any time soon. The step-mom is not responsible. Where is bio mom? Can you ask the 16 yr old to get a part time job?
"Where is bio mom? Can you ask the 16 yr old to get a part time job?[/QUOTE]

Bio-mom is in TN and is not paying the dad any support so I don't think she's going to pay us any. She is looking for a part-time job.
If you file for support then both mom and dad should pay half. However I'm just afraid once this happens, Dad will want the child back.
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