Grandson's guardianship

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Our seventeen year old daughter had a baby in November 07. The biological father was into drugs and went to prison when the baby was 4 months old for armed robbery (20 years).

From day one, our daughter took no interest in the baby. My husband and I took responsability for care and well-being. She never so muched as prepared bottles for him. We continued to allow this simply because we knew he was safe and she would threaten to never let us see him again if we asked anything from her.

She recently turned 18 and has been dating a 24 year old heroin addict. He was in court ordered rehab and got out Friday. She left with the baby on Friday and called to say she was spending the night with him. I asked about who would watch the baby when she went to work the next day. She said her boyfriend. When I questioned the fact that she was leaving the baby with her boyfriend (out of rehab for less than 24 hours and on Methodone) she said she was moving in with him.

Our question is what kind of legal options do we have to ensure our grandchild's safety? I am not positive she is using drugs, though it is very likely with the people she gravitates to. She is now living with this man, his family, and his four pitbulls. She has never took him to the doctor, she does not feed him solid foods (only bottles) unless prompted, and she has totally turned his life upside down by removing him from the stability he had here.

We would like to have him here and safe until a point that she quits endangering him, however long that takes.
You can contact CPS if you believe your grandson is truly in danger, but if they investigate and find no cause, your daughter will probably never let you see him.

If I were you, I would consult an attorney to see if there is anything you can do.
We have guardianship of our 2 youngest grandchildren. I would go for the child. Better to be safe than sorry.The child should not be left with a recovering addict And if cps steps in, they will take him, and you may never see him again. It is a big responsibility, but worth every minute. Good luck, and keep our children safe.
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