Grandparent rights

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I'm hoping someone will be able to let me know legally what we can do. We live in PA, we are not legally married. We have been together for 11 years & living together for 6 years. My partner, Charlie, is a grandfather via his son, Brian. Brian & Nic have a beautiful child together. However, they split up. Brian has a temper & drinking problem & I understand why they split. Anyway, while they were apart, Nic would come to our house every other weekend (our pay weeks) & even spend nights at our house. We would go shopping for whatever the baby needed, even things he really didn't need right away. This went on until she met a new guy. Then she would let us have the baby for the weekends and she would go out. Then she started to lie to her parents and say she was at our house with the baby, but in reality, she was spending weekends with Brian. Yes Brian. She was seeing Brian and a new boyfriend. So, she gets pregnant again and tells Brian that it's hisbut she wants an abortion. He, of course, flips out and says he wants the child. In the meantime, she also tells the new boyfriend that it is his. He has lots of $$ - this is just what she wants. So, they get married. Prior to the wedding, every time we asked to see the baby, she would make up all kind of excuses why we couldn't. She let us see him once in April (this was an overnight visit); once in June for about 1-1/2 hours, once in September for 4 hours and now we are able to see him once this month.

What I want to know is what rights do Grandparents have? We live 1 hour from her and the baby. If she lets us have him for 4 hours, we could never go back to our house because that would only give us 2 hours to play or do anything. If I went to a lawyer locally, do you think we would be wasting our time to fight for more time with "our" grandson?. See, Nic no longer needs our $$ every other weekend like she use to because she married a guy with $$. As a matter of fact, he told her that she didn't have to work if she didn't want to - which was right up her alley (she is now 20 years old).

We are glad she has moved on with her life and is supposedly happy. All we want is to be a part of "our" grandson's life. What rights do we have? Please advise. Thanks.
You should check out the AARP website. It offers legal advice and help. My husband and I are presently battling for 3 grandkids and AARP helped get us to the right place.
Grandparents have few rights. You really need to encourage your son to get the help he needs and to ask for visitation, then you can see the baby on his time. If that is not going to happen anytime soon, you should see an attorney. He also should request a paternity test for this new baby, but in most states her husband is the legal father anyways since they will be married when they baby comes.

See an attorney to see if you have any rights to visitation.
YOU have no rights

, do you think we would be wasting our time to fight for more time with "our" grandson?. Thanks.

he is not OUR grandson, he is charlie's grandson. you are only the gf of the child's grandfather, and will NEVER have any legal rights to the child, even if you and charlie get married.
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