Giving Up Parental Rights

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New Member
My question is this - if I give up my parental rights to my children (long story), does that prohibit any contact or visitation? How does my giving them up affect possible adoption by the "new husband"?
Contact and visitation will be up to the mother at that point. (I am assuming you are the father by your post). You will have absolutely no say becasue you will legally no longer be a parent. You will have to give up your rights voluntarilly or have them revoked by the court before the "new husband" could adopt.

Realize that as a general rule the court wants there to be someone ready to step in and adopt before this you can voluntarilly give up your rights. You can not just decide you want to and have it happen.
Why would you want to do this? Once you give up your parental rights, you are a legal stranger to the kids. There should be no contact of any kind. If this is to get out of child support, big mistake. The new step father becomes their new legal father, and they are not supposed to have any contact with you afterwards. This is a HUGE thing to do and should only be done if you have no relationship with them, and you have been a deadbeat and uninvolved father. Then in those cases if the step dad has stepped in and taken over your role, then a TOR might be appropriate.

This should only be done if it is in the best interest of the kids. If you have a relationship with the children, then this should not be done.

You did not tell us much here, but if you are not seeing your kids, or the ex wife is making it hard for you, then take her to court.

Just don't give up on your children :(
giving up

Can anyone tell me what will happen if my bf gives up all rights to his son. I have been on this site before, through court, and we are constantly getting harrassed by ex. Can't afford what we are paying, having to pay fake daycare bills, and also getting dragged into court...we are seriously thinking about cutting the strings with her. Does this mean he still pays support to her, dosent speak with her ever, or have to deal with any problems she might have?? The son is playing a game, he goes to her house says things we did or said,and of course changing the story some, then she calls or mails letters about every other weekend we have him. We have had about enough with him too...I know this sounds bad...The courts only listen to her, they don't see what we are going through. She has full custody, impossible to deal with....I would like a little info about giving up rights just to think about.
giving up

I posted this in the wrong spot.

Can anyone tell me what will happen if my bf gives up all rights to his son. I have been on this site before, through court, and we are constantly getting harrassed by ex. Can't afford what we are paying, having to pay fake daycare bills, and also getting dragged into court...we are seriously thinking about cutting the strings with her. Does this mean he still pays support to her, dosent speak with her ever, or have to deal with any problems she might have?? The son is playing a game, he goes to her house says things we did or said,and of course changing the story some, then she calls or mails letters about every other weekend we have him. We have had about enough with him too...I know this sounds bad...The courts only listen to her, they don't see what we are going through. She has full custody, impossible to deal with....I would like a little info about giving up rights just to think about. Can he do this??
He cannot just sign off his parental rights. Honeslty he needs to grow some balls and stand up to her. Trminating rights just because the ex is a b**** is ridiculous and no court will go for it.

Stop listening to her. If you are paying what the order says, then ignore her calls. Ask about billing her forlegal fees if you do wind up seeing an attorney. If she is going to drag you into court when you are following the decree, she can pay your legal fees.
I'm not really understanding this, but whoever is being dragged to coure everytime you turn around, there is a way of making the person who is dragging you to court to pay I think the court cost AND the attorney fees. Good luck. I think I would rather be in my shoes and just Dealing with false accusations and dealing with the DCFS.
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