gaurdianship help

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New Member
About 5 or 6 years ago my 3 sons were 12, 13, and 14 they decided they wanted to live with my brother and sister-in-law. So I signed gaurdianship papers knowing my brother was a good roll modle and would teach them things I couldn't. I also pay them child support. They are now 17, 18, and 19 and my oldest moved out when he was 18 before he graduated high school. I was not allowed any contact with them so when my oldest moved out he contacted me. I had to get all his graduation stuff he had none of it and it was like 4 months to graduation. Now the 18 year old is about to graduate high school and the 19 year is getting married. Both the 18 and 17 year old want to go and live with my 19 year old which he is willing to do plus my brother is leaving bruises on my 17 year old. Not sure how to help them accomplish this without a lawyer. I called social services and they were no help other than suggesting I talk to my brother and sister-in-law about having the boys stay with me. My sister-in-law is very evil and I know she will not allow this. Any suggestions would be very helpful right now I am very frustrated and want to help and just don't know how.
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