Fraud on child support claim

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New Member
Hello to all fathers out there I am sure we are all in the same boat regarding child support so I will get straight to the point.
My X-Wife has once again hauled me into child support court I went today to child services and was informed that my X-wife has once again requested child support against me in her claim she once again stated that she has custody of both of our children when in fact she only has had custody for one of our children for just one month.
The other resides with me as they both have since our separation and divorce three years ago.
So my question is has anyone ever successfully had the child support request dismissed due to the mother deliberately and willingly and knowingly filed a child support claim that was a fraud meaning she requested child support for two children and only had custody of one child.
Can we have the case dismissed and possible have charges filed for fraudulently filing a legal document.
And at best force the mother to start over with her child support claim based on those bases.
Please help with any advice
John Alderete
No, all fathers are not in your boat.
Some of us are still married and our children are grown and now we are grandfathers.

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If her claims are false then she won't get far anyway. You may still have to appear in court though.
if you were served papers to appear then review them and see if you can submit a written answer to her claim. if you submit a detailed outline of the situation so a judge can easily see the discrepancies then things will be much simpler when the court date comes and you will be sure not to miss any important items.
With all do respect sir that was intended for fathers that were left for another man and who are being abused by x-wives abusing the legal system I think you might have taken my question out of context.
But on another note congradulations to you and yours you are truly blessed
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