Former employer continually calls

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New Member
Back in May I was part of a big laid off from my former employer. It was not a bad experience or any bad feelings. Our industry took a dive when fuel prices went up. However, now I am being called day and night both on my home phone and on my personal cell by my former boss to "find out what I am doing" and they want to talk about "a lawsuit they have had going on for going on three years" that involves my former company and a TX company they used to do business with. I have nothing to do with that lawsuit except that the company was in the territory I worked in. I did not have any authority or signature, etc., except I was mainly processing paperwork. The company who is suing my former employer has deep pockets and they are just dragging this on and on. I want to move forward and get another position. I have over 20 years in my industry but these calls (which I no longer answer) are making me physically sick as now I am scared every time the phone rings. My former company is out of WA and they kind of think they can do anything and get away with it including bringing former employees into things they have nothing to do with. Should I seek legal counsel? I have not worked since May so money is getting real scarce. I think they want me to travel several hundred miles and appear as a witness for them in court when this thing finally goes to trail. I can't afford to make this trip number one and see no reason why I should. The lawsuit involves the fact that a company signed fraudulant documents and provided false paperwork in finance transactions involving the financing of used commercial trucks to owner operators.

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