final paycheck

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New Member
My employer has fired me because I had a computer virus on my computer.

He is now saying I stole 700 dollars.

I don't have the money to fight the company over these untrue allegations.

The owner has stated he put my final check in a trust account an I will not be getting it.

I am owed over $1700 is this legal can he hold out my final check?


You can't prove a negative, and it isn't your job to prove your innocence.

Its the state's job, if they charge you to prove your guilt.

You are INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty before a court of law.
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If what you allege is true, the employer is violating WV law.

Read this link, and file a complaint with your state's labor board: wages.html

In your state, if you are terminated, you must be paid (IN FULL) within 72 hours.

I suggest you speak to a criminal defense lawyer about what could happen regarding that money.

You haven't heard the last of that yet.

In the meantime, stop trying to prove you didn't do it, or how others could have done it.

It only makes them look harder at you.

You must SHUT UP, and say no more.

This is how you file a claim to have the state help you get paid: INFO updated to match new RFAdoc.pdf
Firing you was legal. Pressing charges or taking you to small claims court for the money they believe you stole is legal. Being found "not guilty" does not change the legality. No one here can predict if your employer will seek to recover the money or who a court might believe is responsible.

Not paying you what is owed for work performed is not legal. File a wage claim.
Agree to filing a wage claim. No matter what, you are owed for all time worked/work performed.
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