Assault & Battery Felony Aggravated Assault, 6th Amendment

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On the night of 06-11-09 I was suicidal. I live with my mother and I held a knife to my wrist. She called the police. I have a history of mental health issues, mainly depression and Borderline Personality Disorder. The police arrived and my mother advised them that I needed to go to a hospital. The police arrested me and charged me with felony aggravated assault naming my mother as the victim. The charges are bogus and she is the only witness. I was released on a OR BOND and we had to file a modification of bond to allow me to come back home. We got the modification we wanted. She testified, under oath, that I never assaulted her or even threatened her. All this in mind, I was indicted by a Grand Jury on evidence considered hearsay - the police report. The arresting officer lied on the police report, which they used to indict me. I understand that I also have a right under the 6th Amendment where the Grand Jury was to consider evidence from my mother, which would have more then likely cleared me of all charges. They never considered her testimony before indictment. I am entering the pretrial phase of my case and my public defender (which is terrible) filed a motion to dismiss based on 5 things. they are as follows. 1. the indictment was based solely on hearsay evidence. 2. the indictment was based solely on hearsay evidence when better evidence was readily available for presentation to the grand jury. 3. that the method of presentation of evidence to the Grand Jury violated the defendant's rights protected by the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the United States Constitution. 4. That the alleged victim, patricia XXXXXX, stated under oath at a bond hearing that the incident never happened the way the indictment alleges. 5. that the defendant (my name) never made any assault on her what so ever, with a knife, or any other object, or in any way did he put her in fear of injury or in fear of her safety. Any thoughts on this please? I am 27 and have never been charged with a crime in my life. The charge against me just invades all my thoughts and drives me crazy all day every day.
well, what happened that day?

Did they take you to a mental hospital, or the mental wing of a hospital?

Do you have a psychologist and psychiatrist? Medication? They could testify to you being suicidal.
The police took me to the local hospital. I was afraid and didn't know what to say or do so I lied to the doctor in the emergency room. She had to go by what I told her so she released me. I fell asleep on the exam table in the room at midnight and awoke at 3am and to my surprise the officer that brought me there was in the doorway. he told me he was going to take me home. we walked out to his car and he put the handcuffs on me and said it was for his protection. when he got the handcuffs on me, he smiled vindictively at me and said "you're under arrest for disorderly conduct". i have my first appearance in court that same day and the magistrate reads off "felony aggravated assault". I was dumbfounded. I spent two months in jail. I really don't want to go back.
I am in need of another response. My mother and I went to visit my attorney on a whim. We conjured up the idea of a conditional nol pros. The District Attorney agreed to a "dead docket" file with a couple stipulations. I must give my mother a Power of Attorney and I must enroll in a mental health treatment. I am already in mental health treatment, but he wants me to enroll in a place called Calvary House in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. We are moving there shortly from North Georgia. He will get a report from the Calvary house every 90 days to make sure they are satisfied with my performance. My actual question is what is a dead docket?
I think a dead docket means they're just going to let the charges expire.

What is your borderline personality disorder called?

I think giving your mother power of attorney is a bit much, but if you trust her. . . it's not a forever thing. . .

I don't understand why you stayed in jail for 2 months. Were you in some kind of psychiatric wing? Were you in an area especially for "suicidal" inmates where the lights were always on, 24hour monitoring, etc?
I truly feel that the county I am in is corrupt. Be it, corruption is all places, I have never seen a system as slow and downright ridiculous as my local county. I had move here out of state and lived here one month before this ever happened. The Borderline Personality Disorder IS what the diagnosis is called. I also have OCD, severe depressive disorder and a mood disorder. I trust my mother with the Power of Attorney. It was actually an idea she came up with. My Public Defender is terrible. He never remembers anything we discuss and funny how when we go to his office on a whim one day, we present this idea. He calls the District Attorney from his desk and the DA comes in the office. That simple. I intend to file a complaint with the bar association. I'll never understand how a DA works for the county and yet so do the Public Defenders. Sounds like a conflict of interest if you ask me. If I don't adhere to the dead docket stipulations, he can ask the judge to reopen the case. I was never in a psychiatric wing. The night of said incident I only saw an ER doctor. But, they did put me on suicide watch the first two weeks in jail. It was awful. Locked in a room 23 hours a day with only a bed and toilet for all to see me use. The guards don't care about us at all. They assume you're a criminal because you're there. I was in jail 2 months because my Public Defender left me there. It took my mother constantly hounding the DA and my attorney to even get me out on an OR Bond. My heart goes out to inmates who truly are innocent. Sadly, they're a very real reality. I am considering bringing a law suit against this county. Methamphetamine is a real problem in this area and even the police that came to my house the night this all happened looked like they were under the influence. I have two years of Law Enforcement Training and Ohio Criminal Law and OPOTC certification. I trust my instincts. Any other opinions on this? I really do appreciate the feedback and as you can tell I get livid just talking about the ordeal.

I think a dead docket means they're just going to let the charges expire.

What is your borderline personality disorder called?

I think giving your mother power of attorney is a bit much, but if you trust her. . . it's not a forever thing. . .

I don't understand why you stayed in jail for 2 months. Were you in some kind of psychiatric wing? Were you in an area especially for "suicidal" inmates where the lights were always on, 24hour monitoring, etc?
In jails, or at least some jails, there are different "pods" the inmates are sent to after booking. Since I was suicidal, I was kept up front in the booking area. I was by myself in solitary where the guards could see me at all times. After a couple of weeks, they sent me back to one of the 4 pods with other inmates. my disorder is called borderline personality disorder. i gave my mother power of attorney that expires after the dead docket. I did it as leverage to strike the deal with the district attorney.
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