Fathers chance of custody?

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New Member
What exactly are the chances of a father getting full custody? My fiance had a one night stand with someone four years ago. We just found out he may be the father of her child. She has already had two men tested. This girl is unstable, already has four other children by different fathers, has a criminal record, has custody of only half her kids. Just this past Dec she married a man who has done jail time for beating his prior wife and has at one point in this past year, held this woman hostage bc the state police were after him. If this child turns out to be my fiances, I don't know how we could in good conscience not fight tooth and nail to get full custody of him? Do we have a leg to stand on? I know how unfair the system can be.
He has to get paternity established first. If he is indeed the father then he will havwe to pursue visits or custody in court. Since he has no relationship with the child at all it is VERY unlikely custody will happen immed.

Dad really needs to see an attorney.
well, he had no idea the child existed until last month. We are not expecting custody immediatley, but do we even stand a chance in the future. What if it can be proven she's an unfit mother?
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