Father seeking custody under extreme circumstance

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Hello Everybody,
As any father should I am hoping for the best for my daughter in this situation. The mother has refused to allow me parental rights by not allowing me on the birth certificate and threatening me when I ask about being on it by saying that she will leave with Elizabeth (my daughter) and I will never see her again. My daughter has been around the country living place to place subjected to homelessness, living with strangers (to both my daughter and her mother), Some strangers are drug abusers, ex convicts, other homeless, she has been subjected to being around drug users constantly as her mother is one, She has rarely been in school, she has lived in homeless shelters, while I had a stable home for her here. About 2 years ago her mother contacted me and gave her to me with a 6 month temp guardianship form which lasted for the first 6 months. Luckily the school has continued to accept this as has Medicaid. Either way, she has abandoned her with me since that 6 months was over. I have provided a stable home, a two income family, have kept her very well in school in so much that she is in the gifted and talented program making straight A's and with perfect attendance for two years. I have provided safety and shelter, stability, love, a family, support, met her needs and any reasonable wants, and have not kept her from her mother nor spoken ill of her mother to her in any way. The mother Marge decided to make a trip to come see her by calling me up and telling me she was going to come and I would come and pick her up at the airport, let her sleep in the girls room, etc... Basically, I had nothing to say about it in my own home. I was wrong by allowing her to run over my family like this in fear that she would take Elizabeth because no matter what she was going to anyways. Well that is what she did. She found a cult commune to live with here in TX called "The Garden of Eden" where she decided to take my daughter to. She has no respect for her schooling either. She is pulling her out of school and Quote unquote going to home school her. However, her plans and history on this Homeschooling fits very well with the principles of this cult when you study them. They believe that a child decides his/her education by deciding if it want to study Math, science, or anything at all. I.E. if the child decides it does not want to study then they don't ensure the child does. If you look up "7325 Mansfield Cardinal Rd Garden of Eden" this is where she is at. Their Facebook page has several Pics under the Chickencoop album which have a naked child running around and being held by all sorts of men who are not the Father. They are in severe violation of city code, the are making houses out of warehouse palettes, living in Tent's, my daughter told me they pee in the yard because it is good for the plants and they use Human Feces to fertilize their Garden. Furthermore, there are no laundry Machines on site so I will be washing my daughters clothes when I get to see her. Look it up yourself, this place is terrible. Her mother wants to pull her out of a stable environment for this. Either way, Monday morning I am talking with the schools teacher, counselor, and principle. On Monday afternoon I will be hiring a lawyer (preferably a shark because you cannot talk nicely to Marge the mother or be kind about what she is doing to my daughter). I will be initiating a paternity test and custody. I want full custody with supervised visitations (because of the severe flight risk). I also want to see if there is some temporary restraint to ensure she doesn't flee the state. I hope to have either me or a foster home take care of her until a judge can decide. Not only has she threatened to take her from me on several occasions she has fulfilled that threat time and time again. She also has no respect for law or the rule of law so could care less what the State tells her to do. Either way, I just want any kind of advice you can give me on this case. I know most of the time the mothers are looked at as more favorable and generally that is the better option but this is not your typical case. I just hope she does not catch wind of the court case and it catches her off guard. I have tried talking reasonably with her for years and it does no good. I have no recourse left to ensure the safety of my daughter and my parental rights. I am at my whits end here. Please, any advice would be great.

Concerned Father
At the moment, you're not the legal father - THAT is the first step you need to take.

If you genuinely feel that the child is in danger, you absolutely NEED to get child services involved.
I know I did wrong by not fighting this sooner but I have been a coward in fear of the mother taking her. I should have stood up to this well before this. Also, I know not to speak bad about the mother and I do not intend to do that in my previous post but when the truth is that this circumstance is bad I do not know how to approach that. I mean, how do you call a kettle black without being rude? This would be a good thing to work through before seeing a judge. I am unsure how to express the devastation she has done to my daughter without it sounding like she is truly a terrible person. And here is my rudeness in the manner, she is a terrible person. Not just because the drugs, I could care less what she does to herself apart from my daughter. That is her life and problem. What she does to my daughter though is completely devastating and she doesn't care. How do you reach someone like this? She doesn't care about her stability or schooling and it is mind boggling how you can take your own daughter from a great home and run off with her to some hippie commune where you have only met these people once for a couple hours. What is going on here? There is no logic to this, no compassion, no motherhood. Whatever happened to that Mama bear thing? She doesn't have that at all. Now I am just letting out my frustration and panic though. I am sorry but these things do need to be said so I will post them.
@Proserpina, What does child service look like? I.E. What can I expect? That is actually one of the things I wanted to check out in the plan I wrote down for going through this court case. Yes I made a plan. I figured it is best to state where I am at, what my goals are, and what each step looks like in between that.
Also,I clearly believe she is in danger (by damage to her schooling, stability, and by going back to the streets or around the next drug addict or convict) but I am not sure I can prove immediate danger. This just ensures that they will talk with her then she will flee. I cannot do this anymore though. I cannot let her come into my home leaving my Fiancee's kids in tears, My fiancee in tears, me in tears, and then to keep her out till 9:30 10 at night with school in the morning. Or pulling her out of school constantly. Which is what she has been doing and much more. Either way, this is a bad circumstance and I actually have thought about and plan to call Children's services.

P.S. I am sorry for being emotional but I just had my beautiful girl ripped out of my arms for no reason and it makes no sense why she would do this to her. I am crying out for justice.
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