Pets False Noise Complaints

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New Member
Hello , me and my boyfriend have been dealing with a tenant that lives below us since October 2012 when he moved in on a year lease. This tenant has been making false accusations of us listening to loud music as well as our two dogs whining and barking " apparently" while we go to college for police foundations, I myself have been audio and video recording our whole apartment for each period of two to three hours of class that we attend and our dogs do nothing but sleep. Although the police have shown up multiple times for noise complaints while we were at school for our dogs "barking and whining excessively". The tenant Stephen below us has been calling about this multiple times a week and although i have video and audio evidence of the apartment and dogs completely silent the police refuse to watch the videos. My question is that what do we do about theses false accusations , we do not want to receive an eviction notice from our landlord or a fine from the police for excessive noise when in reality not one sound has been recorded on my videos? previously we have already filed a police report for Stephen chasing me my boyfriend and my friend up the stairs and loud noises from his apartment as whenever we turn on the shower or bath he blares his music which i have video and audio evidence of that as well. I am doing everything in my power to stop these allegations and to get as much evidence as possible to support me and my boyfriend if anything happens in which the evidence is needed but are really concernced and are looking for advice on what to do in this situation about the false accusations as the police say they are "obligated" to inform us of such complaints against us, thank you very much for your time.
Usually this site is for US law. But, as this is a general question, I suppose a general answer might apply.

You cannot prevent your neighbors from calling the police. If your living situation has you surrounded by an annoying neighbor, you really have two options: Put up with the continuing abuse, or, move.

If you do have to go to court for some form of excessive noise citation, you can always bring in your video and see if the court is willing to listen/watch a 2-3+ hour long video ... of course, there could be allegations that you dubbed OUT the barking, so this evidence may not avail you of much. That leaves you with the second option of moving.

Of course, there is a third option and that would be to get rid of the dogs. While not the most palatable option, it might be a temporary solution until you can find new accommodations.
Nobody is ever going to watch your recordings.
This is something for you, your neighbor, and your landlord to work out.a
It's a shame when people have to put up with actual false accusations. However, in the US anyway, you don't have much choice but to put up with them or consider moving. Sorry.
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