False Accusations to get Restraining Order

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My son is a victim of a restraining order that was falsely acquired through lies and has to go to court on 9-23-08. What can I do to help him? I do not have very much money and attorneys are very expensive.

Please help. The ex-girlfriend is the mother of his 2 children. Since he has decided to separate from her she has made his life very difficult. She told him that she will make it so you will never see his children. About 6 years ago she did file a domestic violence on him and he served 7 months in jail but since then he has had not been violent in anyway. This is the third restraining order. The last 2 were filed falsely... whenever his has tried to get away from her this is what she does to him. The second one she dropped when he agreed to see her again; he wanted to be able to see his son. He has had this son live with him about 2 years and not the mother; he was the sole parent raising him at that time. Unfortunately, this girlfriend got pregnant again; she was supposed to be on birth control pills? My son went back with their first son to live with her because of the upcoming new child. After he realized this was a mistake, he took his son and moved. This is how the next restraining order came about. She stated that he is on drugs, abusing his first son, abused her for 10 years, and more...

This is a woman who has 4 children from 3 different fathers. The first child, the mother has guardianship of him, the second child was removed from her and lives with the father. Incidently, this father also had to go through this along responding to reports to protective children services; she filed a report saying her son was being molested by this father. My son also had 3 reports to protective children filed on him; one just a month ago. All of them nothing was founded. The last one was just filed within a month ago.

I know this sounds like a lot of drama but it is true...

My son needs help. Maybe you can refer an attorney in near the Pomona, California Superior Court where my son has to appear, that does not charge as much or has a payment plan or something.

I wonder how many men have had to go through this with falsely being accused and getting retraining orders against them.

Please help...
All that he can do is attend court to respond to the accusations in this order. If he has witnesses, he needs to bring them. It would be best if he had an attorney, but if she is also without an attorney it will at least be even.

- carl
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