Fair Use Okay on Printed Website Pages?

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New Member
Hi all, Ive a question about distributing printed out web pages. Ive been printing websites (information, entertainment and games) for my neighbor since her pc has died. Nothing pornographic or purchased, just free sites with things she likes. A friend of hers asked if I would begin making two copies, and I am now wondering how at risk I am.

A few different wonderings;
-Are ordinary websites(prints) distributable under the fair use if its for absolute non-profit?
if so, is there a limit?

-As a graphic artist, compiling and improving the pages is easy, but Ive never put my name on any of it. If print is okay, should I keep my professional work and separate (to distinguish "free")? Or maybe register a non-profit something for use with the prints?

Ive been reading the government's copyright site, though nothing of this nature quite pops out. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Hi all, Ive a question about distributing printed out web pages. Ive been printing websites (information, entertainment and games) for my neighbor since her pc has died. Nothing pornographic or purchased, just free sites with things she likes. A friend of hers asked if I would begin making two copies, and I am now wondering how at risk I am.

A few different wonderings;
-Are ordinary websites(prints) distributable under the fair use if its for absolute non-profit?
if so, is there a limit?

-As a graphic artist, compiling and improving the pages is easy, but Ive never put my name on any of it. If print is okay, should I keep my professional work and separate (to distinguish "free")? Or maybe register a non-profit something for use with the prints?

Ive been reading the government's copyright site, though nothing of this nature quite pops out. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

You're okay in continuing to distribute information to these two, nice, people.

You're not doing it for profit or personal gain.

You're simply sharing information with two friends as a Good Samaritan.

This is akin to giving your copy of a magazine or newspaper to a friend.

It probably isn't necessary, but why not print the pages as they appear?

If you'd like to add a tag line or statement it could read something like this:
"Provided as a symbol of my friendship for Ella and Bertha, my two dear friends, your pal; Techni Color."

Good on ya' for being neighborly.
That's rare in today's world.
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