expulsion due to defamation by faculty

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New Member
I need to know what my options are. I was a student at Capella University and was in good academic standing until I attempted to start my field training. The President of the field training, through a process that started in April 2008, then proceeded to harass me until I was kicked out of the University. At several stages of the process at my school she stated things that were not true. What are my options?
At this point, it's probably between you and the school. Presumably you were kicked out by some disciplinary committee for some infraction, not simply because the president harassed you. You should have had the opportunity to make your case before that body. There should be some appeals process within the school from that decision that can determine whether you were kicked out for good reason.
That committee stated I had remediation that could be done, which I have made progress on, but the president of the field training department asked for its decision to be overturned (very rare at my school) she even stated in this appeal to the president of the University, who has now expelled me on false information. She stated to him that there were multiple infractions (there was only one) and that I had forged signatures (in fact I had neglected to get one signature, and she had missed this in the application, but held me accoutnable for it as fraud). What are my options?
Your story is confusing to me. What were you kicked out for - failure to do remediation, bad academic standing, forgery, or what? What infractions were alleged? What WAS the infraction you committed? What did the committee find? What did the University President find? What reasons did the University President give for his/her decision?

I can only assume that, if your story is correct, it was not presented to the President. I would suggest contacting the President and requesting the opportunity to present your side of the story.
The fact of the matter is I neglected to get one signature during the applications process for my practicum. She approved the application without comment, and I was unaware the signature was needed. I am in the process of completing the remediation, with a deadline of December 31st. She is the one who personally asked the university president to overturn the commitee's offer of remediation. She thinks the neglect of getting the signature constitues forgery, and she presented it to him as though I had actually forged a signature when this did not happen. She also presented the situation as though it was not my first infraction which is is my first infraction. She also indicated that my program chair was in agreement with her assessment of the situation, when in fact he has been my only advocate through out the situation. The president made his decision based only on what she said, and never spoke to the chair of my program. I have now started a grievance process at my school, and requested a stay of placement until an unbiased committee can review the facts. Now I need a legal advocate, as it is now clear to me that my voice has not been heard and that I have been denied due process.
You might or might not need an advocate. At any rate, it sounds like you now know what your options are and you're using them. Good luck.
Thanks so much. I am attempting to locate a legal advocate in my area, but it is difficult. I live in IL. I am having trouble finding a legal advocate, so if you could refer me to one I would really appreciate it.
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