Executor's lawyer or accountant

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New Member
Can anyone tell me how to figure out the lawyer or accountant an Executor is using to help him execute a probated estate? He is not responding to any of my formally written requests for the accounting of estate to date. The lawyer or accountant is not stated in any documents and I have no money to hire my own lawyer to find them. I am an heir to the estate and on the will.

AND: When I find them are they legally bound to respond to my inquires about the estate?
sharley said:
Can anyone tell me how to figure out the lawyer or accountant an Executor is using to help him execute a probated estate? He is not responding to any of my formally written requests for the accounting of estate to date. The lawyer or accountant is not stated in any documents and I have no money to hire my own lawyer to find them. I am an heir to the estate and on the will.

AND: When I find them are they legally bound to respond to my inquires about the estate?

You start in the county where the person lived and/or died.

Find where the will is being probated.

Get a copy of the will.

There is a vast amount of information available through the court filings.

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Executor personal lawyer

I guess I didn't make it clear. I want to know the Executor's personal lawyer or accountant he may be using to help him with the estate. I have the will but not info except the Executor. I need to send an important letter to his lawyer (lawyer NOT actually working on the estate, as far as I know) due to the fact the Executor is not communicating with me.
AND: IS his lawyer legally obligated to respond to my letter.??
I guess I didn't make it clear. I want to know the Executor's personal lawyer or accountant he may be using to help him with the estate. I have the will but not info except the Executor. I need to send an important letter to his lawyer (lawyer NOT actually working on the estate, as far as I know) due to the fact the Executor is not communicating with me.
AND: IS his lawyer legally obligated to respond to my letter.??

Maybe, I didn't myself clear.

There is no legal way to find out the name of anyone's lawyer.

If he had a lawyer, his lawyer would have no duty to respond to your letter anyway.

An executor doesn't need to have a lawyer or an accountant.

If you have a claim against the estate of the deceased, the executor is the party to whom you should send the claim.

I suggest you address your letter to the court, the county DA, or prosecuting attorney; if you have misconduct or illegality to reveal.
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