Ex wants joint but constantly forfeits visitation

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New Member
Ex is suing for joint custody (currently has child 20% of tiime). He constantly forfeits and does not accept any offers for make-up time.

Will the judge consider these factors when deciding in awarding ex joint custody?
Not necessarily - it depends how your original orders are written, and whether he's actually asking for joint physical custody, or simply more parenting time.
He is actually suing for joint custody and a reduction of child support.


If he's doing this to reduce his current CS, the judge will see right through it.

He may get joint legal custody (if he doesn't have that already), and more parenting time though.
I have strong reason to believe that my ex is witholding income from his financial affidavit. When I initially filed suit, I also served him with interrogatories (mostly about financial issues)

I have since found out that he has been breaking our final judgment by taking my daughter to places he is ordered not to.

My question is can I now legally request him to answer more questions, even though I already sent initial interrogatories? I heard something about possibly providing strictly yes or no questions for him to answer. If I can, do I request through his attorney or do I need to offically file something.
His attorney has filed everything. The only thing I haven't received are his responses to the interrogatories and his back up documentation to his financial affidavit.
Then I'd wait until those were actually submitted - you never know, the information contained therein could be exactly what you're looking for.
Thank you. Is it in my rights to ask him more should they not cover the additional questions?

Also, how long to wait? They were served on Jan 6th. I have made 3 good faith efforts to his attorney. Motion to compel?
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