Ex moved.. but I dont know where..

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New Member
My ex moved and is basically MIA. He is not working and not paying support and has now moved. As it was he lived an hour away and now its about another hour farther according to my son. This past week end was the first time my son stayed at this new house and I have some questions. Ex refuses to give me new address and has no reason to do so. I have never come to his house or given him trouble there. My question is do i have to send my son if he wont tell me where he will be? When I suspected that he was moving I contacted my lawyer and he told me that my ex had to file and intent to relocate with the courts which he has not. Now that he has moved my lawyer is out of town for the week and I am looking for some help. Of course he has not filed anything with child support either. I have reason to believe he moved over a month ago but has not had my son since then until last week. He gets him again in 2 weeks and I am wondering what to do.
Also, there is a reason why I need to know where he is because my son was injured this year at ex's house and ex had left him alone at home and I had to call the police. This was not the first case like this and it worries me that he will be someplace I cannot find him at in case it happens again.
Any advice or help is appreciated.
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