Ex in Violation of Decree

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New Member
As part of the divorce settrlement, my ex was ordered to pay weekly amount until I get the house sold. It was agreed many repairs were necessary to put the house on the market. How the costs were shared was spelled out. It has been a year since a payment has been made. I have spent a few thousand dollars to get the home in shape and have sent several requests for payment of not only my share of the costs but court-ordered costs. Ex has made it clear no payment will be forthcoming, even when I had an interested buyer.

I am in tough shape because I take home only enough to pay the mortgage and am out of money. It is so bad I cannot even go on job interviews because I can't afford time off. Ex immediately remarried and is in another state. Can I put lien on the ex's new property or even the one I am in? Can I file for custody of this house? Can I file for damages?
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