evidence of abandoning parties

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New Member
Less than 1 month before hearing, two of the plaintiffs, where I am the third one, decided to abandon the case. The other party says I can't keep the evidence related to them, even though it was provided by the adverse party itself. This evidence is of key importance, its absence damages my position very hard. On the other side I have never seen the motion by the adverse party, consequently, could not oppose it.
Will they bring it on the first day of trial? But I want to move a summary judgment on the first day of the trial using the evidence of the abandoning parties. I would greatly appreciate a fast help in advice because no time left.
You need to spend some money and speak to a local attorney. This is a US based legal forum. This question has been asked and answered in the past. If this case is important to you, speak to a licensed Ontario based attorney. The lawyers on this forum are all US based and licensed. I also hold licensure in Australia, but the Aussies aren't even close enough to Canadian law to give you the answer you deserve. Please, for your sake, speak with a local attorney about this.
Thank you very much for your answer. But how are things done in Australia?

I have no way of knowing if it would be relevant in Canada. You require the services of an attorney acquainted with civil procedure in Ontario.
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