Even more questions.

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New Member
I hate to keep bugging everyone here, but I am in a very difficult situation and have no legal counsel. Today I found out that people are moving into my in-laws' house. They said that it was approved by my wife's oldest sister who is to be appointed as executor in the will. Because of some of the actions taken by her sisters we filed an opposition to that appointment. The court date had been set for 3/1 then scheduled for 3/7 and finally up to this point it has been moved to County Court at Law. Is this legal for sister to do and if not, would the attorney she has retained advise her to do this?
We have not had a hearing for appointment as of yet, still waiting on court date to be set.
You need your own attorney.

You must discover a way to hire one.

Otherwise, you'll be out maneuvered and bamboozled out if your home.

If your home is important to you, you'll have to figure out how to hire an attorney.

We aren't equipped to answer long, involved, and messy issues. That can only be done in private with your own attorney.

This forum is intended to address minor legal issue. It can't solve complicated cases such as yours.

If you can't hire your own attorney, you'll have to use the Internet to do research. You might want to see if her attorney will discuss this with you.

I don't see why you'd care who is appointed executor or executrix of mom's estate. It doesn't matter if the will or estate is being probated. What matters is that you are at every hearing about this estate. Nothing will be done in the shadows. All probate matters are conducted in open court.

I suggest you start familiarizing yourself with probate matters in Texas.
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The main reason we were opposing her being appointed is the fact that she has done multiple things that she should not have and seems hell-bent on doing more. Things such as taking all of my mother-in-laws jewelry and stocks, changing the locks on the house and not allowing my wife access to the house for more than 3 months, selling my father-in-laws truck, and of course trying to make our house part of the estate so she can claim all monies that my wife would have received from the sale of her parents home. My wife wants to put a stop to all this but has serious problems talking to anyone and I have not been able to locate an attorney who will take this on contingency because the value of the estate is not very high. While it may not be high for them I have been out of work for a year and the only income we have is wife's disability.
I appreciate the responses and all of the help. We have still had no luck in getting an attorney, but I am still looking to find out if my wife's sister had any legal right to allow people to move in and buy the house that their father owned at the time of his death prior to her actually being appointed as executrix by the court.
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