estate closing and release agreement issue

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New Member
Executor will not send bonds owed to me from an estate (everyone else in family got theirs 2 years ago). She wants me to sign a release estate agreement (which all benefactors received) now before sending the bonds.

1. I never sign an agreement before with other estates. Is this necessary to complete my part of an estate?
2. I did sign and send the agreement but crossed out the part that stated that I will not take the executor to court about the estate in the future which I was not comfortable signing.

She now tells me that I HAVE to resign w/out crossing anything out or else I will not get the bonds.

Do I legally have to sign that part or sign the whole agreement to receive my share of the estate?
Is she following the normal way of closing an estate or trying to 'cover her rear end'?
What can I do to quickly get my bonds??
or what else can I do ?
I suggest you hire a lawyer.
The lawyer will know how to address this issue.
Thanks for posting to my inquiry. Yet I was hoping someone here would help me with the general questions I want to know about agreements and distributing estate assets. I already know about getting a lawyer which I am trying not to do due to lack of funds.
Thanks for this info. It would probably be the same in PA (where the estate was probated) yet that was for assists, bonds, etc. The agreement I have to sign was to sign off on the estate closing , not just for assists. It was stating that I would not take executor to court, etc....
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