Equitable Distribution re: Trust Funds

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New Member
My spouse has a large trust fund, before marriage. During our 15 year marriage, we've used the trust for pretty much everything: down payment on a large house, paying bills, vacations, paying our mortgage, spending money, even a monthly "distribution" of $4,ooo.
Because of this "nest egg," I've never put anything aside for myself. Was always told, "No need...you guys are fine, etc" Spouse doesn't work, and I've had below-average earnings over the span of our marriage....kinda got "spoiled" I guess....everything was always "taken care of.) Also, we have 2 children, both of whom have ample $ set aside for college, etc. (over $250k each) Wife's fund is now about $2M.
We are now seperated, and will file for divorce soon. Spouse has a lawyer, I'm getting one this week. Question is: Am I pretty much going to be left on the streets?
No savings, no house, no future? Very scared!!!
(Can see UPDATED, more detailed version of this question in the "Wills, Trusts, Estates and Elder Law" section....Thank you for your help/advice)
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