Emergency - Quitting School and Family Issues

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New Member
Hi, I am a 17 year old student in New Jersey, and I'm in an emergency right now.

I joined a dance troupe in February where I have been training for a huge cultural event (shows.ntdtv.com). This volunteer project has shows at Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan as well as in 26 other cities in the world. I will be touring the world as part of this committment. This is such a once in a lifetime opportunity that I cannot give up.

Right now, due to an intense need for rehearsals, I have to be at the dance studio on a full-time basis.. which naturally, conflicts with school.

I've tried talking to my high school to ask for some way to manage both dance and school simultaneously, but they say legally, they are unable to arrange something for me. Since I cannot give up dance (it has become my life), I have no choice now but to quit school. In New Jersey, I am legally allowed to quit school at age 16 with parental consent.

My mom is very supportive of me, because she believes that it is my decision. The only problem right now is my dad. He is completely against me quitting school to dance. Ever since I first began speaking to him about this, he has refused to listen, yelling at me and hitting me. He even hit my mom when she tried to speak on my behalf.

I have to be at dance by tomorrow because time is really running short. When I told my dad my final decision today, he started yelling again. He screamed at me that if I dare go tomorrow, he will call the police and have them bring me back. I told him that this is life and death for me.. without dance, there's no meaning in my life.. He said that if I killed myself he wouldn't care, but that there was no way he would agree to let me go.

I really don't know what to do. He doesn't care about me at all, doesn't care about my feelings.

I have very little knowledge about law and what rights I have. Please help me.. am I allowed to quit school with one parent's consent? Can he really call the police on me? If things turn for the worse, do I have a right to call the police on him?

Thank you..
#1- you are 17. All this dance is my life stuff is BS. You are to young to determine what is and is not your life. That is why you are not legally emancipated. You can't vote, drink, buy cigarettes- you are a child.

#2- Your father is obviously looking out for your best interests. Very few people make it in life as dancers. If you are 17, you will graduate high school in a year or two and at least have something to fall back on. No education= no future. As for him hitting you or your mother- call the cops, or take it as a life lesson. Believe me, you are not the first person ever hit by a parent.

#3- You receive legal emancipation when you turn 18. If you are 17, that is in less than 1 year. If you still think dancing is that important, you can do it. Until then, you are just a kid that has to do what she is told.

#4- As far as your father having cops come after you, the only thing I can think of is a truency officer. You are not allowed to skip school. However, depending where you live, a cop may not want to waste time going after you- especailly if your dance thing is in NY. NJ cops will not go to NY.

#5- the only legal remedy you have is to file for emancipation. If you are 17, don't even waste the court's time- there is no way they will rule in your favor before you turn 18.

Bottom line- this is the law. If your father says stay in school, you stay in school. When you turn 18, do whatever the hell you want.
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