Emergency ex parte or mandatory injuction possible?

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Emergency Ex Parte or Mandatory Injunction Possible?

I'd like to know if I can file an ex parte order or a mandatory injunction TODAY and have it signed TODAY, since it's Friday...

The Problem:

1. I filed a complaint for divorce on November 29, 2006
2. There is a current ex parte order awarding me custody, child support, medical insurance and status quo
3. We are cohabitating because
A. He cut off access to all money
B. He is not paying child support as ordered
C. I can't move out since he took all the money & I have not worked in 3 years.
4. He cancelled the checks to the day care, causing us to owe them almost $800
5. Job starts Monday, but now there is no child care, gas, money, or clothing, and it's Friday
7. He obtained new medical insurance, but refuses to give me the cards or information
8. The worst part is there is not adequate food in the house
9. I am not allowed to sleep in the bed or take turns sleeping on the mattress; he won't allow my my normal bedding, such as blankets, pillows, etc.

The following proof exists:

Video proof w/ 3rd party date that there is not an adequate food supply
Documentation that he canceled the day care checks
Proof that he closed the bank accounts
Receipts that show he has been shopping and buying clothes, but not food
Police reports and court records proving and alleging prior abuse
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You probably already found out that what you wanted was not realistic - getting an emergency hearing and a motion on the day you request them, when that day is a Friday, would be quite unusual. Did you get things straightened out?
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