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I am currently trying to help someone who is 17 years of age and pregnant get emancipated. The household she is currently living in is not suitable for someone that is pregnant. Her mother is currently receiving social security for her so could she use that as her means of money? Would she be able to move in an apartment with the father of the baby? I know a little about emancipation but i would like any advice that is given.
Law for emancipation vary by state - some states do not have laws covering this. What state are we discussing?

- Carl
I am currently trying to help someone who is 17 years of age and pregnant get emancipated.
Not going to be easy in CA. Very few such petitions are granted.

Here is a court link:


In general, the teen will have to prove this to to the court to get emancipated:

She is at least 14 years old.
She doesn't want to live with her parents.
Her parents don't mind if she moves out.
She can handle your own money.
She has a legal way to make money.
Emancipation would be good for her.

Getting pregnant does NOT demonstrate maturity, though it is evidence of a crime (even if daddy is underage, he cannot have sex with her). Living with someone else is NOT demonstrating she has the ability to make a living.

She has the cards stacked against her ... and you.

The household she is currently living in is not suitable for someone that is pregnant.
What does THAT mean? It could mean she lives in a house with rules, or in a torture chamber. That statement is too broad to be worthwhile.

WHAT exactly is going on in the home that might make it "unsuitable" in your eyes?

Her mother is currently receiving social security for her so could she use that as her means of money?
No. Adding another welfare recipient to the state's rolls are not what emancipation is about.

Would she be able to move in an apartment with the father of the baby? I know a little about emancipation but i would like any advice that is given.
The father of the baby might be going to jail for unlawful sexual relations with a minor, so that would NOT be allowed.

She likely needs to wait until 18.

- Carl
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