New Member
My Uncle admitted this to me himself, as well as other family members. My father was passed out on the floor without getting oxygen to the brain, my grandfather called 911 when he found him..hours later. My father was in a coma for 6+ months and is now brain damaged (non verbal) His life, as well as mine is forever effected by this. My uncle (my dads brother) was living at the same house at the time; he admitted to me that he found my dad passed out on the floor when he came home from work, and went to bed. When he woke up in the morning and my dad was still on the floor, he did the same and left the house. Leaving my dad there to die. This was 12+ hours that could have saved my father from brain damaged he lives with today. That was 12+ hours of lack of oxygen to the brain, simply because my uncle did not call 911. I have been trying to research what law/charge this would fall under. Thank you.