Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI DUI...Wheres my ticket?

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I was arrested back in August 2009 (28th) for possession of marijuana and DUI. They took my blood and everything and they told me that it would take up to 6 months at the most to do the toxicology report. Well 2 days later they dropped the possession ticket and then 2 weeks later I got a toxicology report telling me that I had no ethanol detected even though on the report it clearly stated to look for THC. Now its been over 6 months and I have yet to receive a ticket for the DUI and I have heard nothing. Am I still getting a ticket? Did they mess up something on their part? Wth happened?
Be aware that this is my first dui.
SOmething may have been missed in the system. Call your county sheriff and ask them to check if you have a warrant issued. If there is no warrant then keep waiting. If there is a warrant then it means you missed a court date somewhere along the line. This should be an offense for which they can write you a new citation for the warrant and give you a new court date rather than actually arrest you for it.... at least that is what we would do here... maybe your jails in WI have more room for stuff like that :p
I just checked and i do not have a warrant. Is it possible that they just forgot about it or dropped it without my knowledge? I just feel like I should of gotten a ticket already...
Maybe no THC was detected, or a low level was detected?

The prosecutor could have determined something was wrong with the stop/seizure/arrest?

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So long as no warrant has issued then you haven't missed anything. Keep quiet about it and it might go away. It has been long enough- I wouldn't expect you to get a citation at this point. Just wait for something to show up and then deal with it.
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