Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI DUI To Hire a lawyer or not?

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I received a DUI. I have no criminal history, nor any prior traffic violaitons.

I was not planning on driving this night. I went to an event at a hotel and was planning on staying at the hotel. The hotel ended up selling out so a room was not available, so we made a reservation at the closest hotel just up the street. We knew this ahead of time and thought the hotel we were staying at was in walking distance.

After the event the weather changed horribly it turned out the hotel was further than expected, but less than 1 mile. It was an area we were not familiar with and it was just not a good place to walk, high speed highway with no sidewalks.

We needed to get to our hotel and I made the redicoulsly stupid decision to drive less than a mile down the road to our hotel. It turned out the road did not allow left hand turns out of the hotel and our hotel was to the left. I turned right hoping to turn around quickly. There was no option to do so and we were getting further away (less than a mile but I didn't want to be driving, so I did a U turn at a stop light. I was pulled over as U turns were not permitted.

I blew and blew again at the station, over twice the legal limit. I received 4 tickets - one for the U turn, one for improper lane usage (essentially a duplicate of the u turn), one for driving while under the influence of alchol, one for alchol concentation of .08 or more (essentialy another duplicate of the driving while under the influence). So I got four tickets, which I really feel are just two.

Does having 4 tickets versus 2 make any difference, and if so, in what way?

Do I need to hire a lawyer, or will a state appointed lawyer suffice?

I'm remorseful, was very polite and cooperative with the police.

I feel horrible and I'm just wondering if it's worth the extra money to hire a lawyer. It's already going to cost about $16,100 according to the IL website.

I don't know what to do, and if I get a lawyer when do I need to get one - before the first of many court cases ahead?
Hire a lawyer. It's going to be far more expensive and life changing than you can even imagine. Hire a lawyer and talk to no one about this, but that lawyer!
Thank you for the response.

What do you mean by talk to no one about this but the lawyer? Who could I talk to that would cause a bigger problem?

By talk to no one, do you mean I shouldn't have made this post?
Army Judge means don't tell anyone the details of what happened that could cause it to be used against you in a court of law. That might include an insurance company, investigators, etc. You may have the best of intentions but, having a BAC that is twice the legal limit and having committed a traffic infraction, you are best served by hiring someone who knows what they are doing. It's possible that an experienced attorney can knock out some of the charges based upon mistakes, technicalities or good negotiating. It is always helpful to have an attorney who is familiar with the courthouse and the people who work there - relationships may make any plea bargaining easier should there be a need. Perhaps that may help, especially since there are some potential extenuating circumstances that don't make this the normal case and you don't have a prior DUI.

Ask around to get a good referral. If you still need assistance finding a lawyer, you can take out a case review here and we'll be glad to help. There is no way I would take a risk with self-representation with so many issues, especially with such a high BAC content.
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