Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI DUI arrest in GA

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i am 20 yrs old and i was arrested for dui in richmond county, ga in august 2010.
i can not afford a lawyer so i was given a public defender, but he has not helped me at all. my court date is set for 1/24/2011.
is it possible and would it be beneficial for me to have my court date postponed until after my 21 birthday in april 2011?
i am sure my license will be suspended, but i am a fulltime college student and i work parttime. i can walk to school, but i really need a provisional license to get back and forth to work.
i have been told by friends that their high paid attorney was able to postpone their trial date in a similar situation. but i can not afford that.
i need to keep my job in order to pay the DUI fines.
You can always ask the court to appoint you another lawyer.

All you have to do is fire your lawyer in open court before the judge. You could say the lawyer doesn't answer your questions and never returns your calls.

You'll sometimes get a tongue lashing. But, you'll always get a new lawyer. I wouldn't recommend doing this more than once. But, I've seen some defendants do this three or four times.

If you do it at your next hearing, you'll get a new lawyer. That'll buy you the extra time you need.

Yes, you can always ask for a continuance.
You have to have a good reason.
Your attorney can usually get you one or two continuances.
Ask him as the court date approaches, like tomorrow.
Don't wait until 15 minutes before.
You can always get ill.

But, the court will often give you a provisional license for work or school anyway. But, sometimes they say no.

i am 20 yrs old and i was arrested for dui in richmond county, ga in august 2010.
i can not afford a lawyer so i was given a public defender, but he has not helped me at all. my court date is set for 1/24/2011.
is it possible and would it be beneficial for me to have my court date postponed until after my 21 birthday in april 2011?
i am sure my license will be suspended, but i am a fulltime college student and i work parttime. i can walk to school, but i really need a provisional license to get back and forth to work.
i have been told by friends that their high paid attorney was able to postpone their trial date in a similar situation. but i can not afford that.
i need to keep my job in order to pay the DUI fines.
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Delaying the date of the hearing won't really effect the outcome in the end. Your age at the time of the offense is what matters. Nobody will really care that you have since turned 21. You have just as much chance of getting the provisional license now as you will after turning 21.
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