Domain Name and Trademark

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New Member
Can I use the name of a company which is a reg trade mark to promote sales of there product through amazon? something like and have articles recommending toys and amazon banners promoting them? Meaning not selling anything myself just reffering customers to amazone. can i use key words like that to promote shop? where are the borders? Sorry if this has been ask before but i did searches and looked through the postings but found nothing related.

Can I reg another name but use those names in page names-article names
Something like and then have a page called and use the keywords (not bought adwords) but anchor links back to this page like disney baby toys

Thanks in advance
No - if you are using the company name as a domain name, it would almost certainly constitute trademark infringement. With regard to using the name in a URL as part of the page name, which frequently contains the title of the page, that is a completely different issue.
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