Does this potential lawsuit hold weight? Internet harrassment/slander?

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New Member
Hello, I need help. Someone is threatening to sue me.

This person was harassing to me, and also scammed me--I did artwork for her website and she refused to pay me for it. She also went around telling people that I had mental illnesses that I do not have, and telling people that I'm "violent" and to stay away from me. This is a lie. I'm vicious, to be sure, but not violent in any way and have never given anybody reason to think that.

So, I did some research online and found embarrassing pictures of her on MySpace, chats where she said she was only looking to meet a man who would give her lots of money, an advertisement where she was looking to do "adult content" for money, and an embarrassing clip of her singing/auditioning for a play. I also knew, from when she told me, that she has a condition where lots of hair grows on her chest and face. I wrote about this on the blog and advised people not to date her (because she's a gold-digger) and not to do business with her (because she stole my art). It was a very vicious post and I do not want to take it down because I don't want to censor myself. Everything on the blog is 100% true and there is proof for EVERYTHING.

I KNOW that this was mean but if it's true, it's not slander, right? I get that I'm harassing her with the blog, and I'm not upset by it, since I feel it's justified, but is it punishable by law?

She's sending things I was talking about to my friend (knowing it'd get to her) to her lawyer and saying she will sue me. Back when we were friends, I had her phone number, and on the edge of our friendship, I called her and asked her if I could pay her for her "adult content" as a joke. She's saying that this is a prank call. I don't think it is, because it's clear who I am. It's a joke, yeah, but whatever, it's not like I'm accusing her of stuff she didn't do.

She's also accused me of hacking her website, which I did NOT do, threatening her with violence (which I certainly did not do!!), and "destroying her ability to have an income," which she says is against the law (which might be true, because of the blog, but honestly, she's a thief, so I don't care).

There's also this to take into consideration. She knows my first and last name but not my middle name, social security number, address, new phone number, or workplace. Outside of email, she has no way of contacting me. Would this keep a lawyer from being able to contact me? I'm broke, she knows it, and she's broke, too. Would this keep a lawyer from taking her case?

Please help. Thanks. :)
Without knowing many or virtually any facts other than what you've represented.

1) Truth is a defense to a lawsuit for defamation, libel or slander.

2) I don't know where your website / blog is hosted. It is possible that they may shut you down if your blog is intended to harass someone or is may be in violation of their terms of use. That is possible.

3) As far as liability goes, I'm not sure whether there is a cause of action for "intent to cause emotional distress" and doubt that any legal action will ensue. It is costly and the return on investment is minimal. Unless she wants to pay the legal fees, it probably won't happen.

If it were me, I'd try to figure out how I could call a truce. If she used your artwork without having paid then it is possible that she never acquired ownership to use the image, even though she may have possession of a copy of the image. You could always send her a cease and desist notice and, if used on a web site, send her a DMCA takedown notice. A disagreement aired in public usually helps nobody. Good luck with this.
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