doctrine of laches

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I had a child with this BITCH 12 years ago and now she is trying to come after me for support.She and child lives in Utah and I remained in California where the child was born. When we split up 12 years ago, we agreed that she would keep the child and move out of state so I don't have to pay child support.Sounds selfish but that was the agreement at the time and I thought it was fair for both of us .She gets to keep the child and I can move on with my life.I've tried to locate her later in life to talk to my son but there was no luck!The child is now 12 yrs old and I'm hit with child support for the first time out of the blue.Is there a Statue of Limitation or "Doctrine of Laches" that would nulify this judgement?I'Ve tried hiring a lawyer but there is no hope there because none of them that I've hired seems to have done the job.
Maybe I'm looking in all the wrong places.Can someone please help me with my question cause I've lost my wife of 11 years and 2 beautiful kids and everything else I've built in the last 12 years.
Thank You & sincerely,
Stressed and Depressed.
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Wow, too bad for you. Your previous agreement is not binding, and the silver lining for you is that you didn't have to pay for the past 12 years; that is, unless your ex has been on state assistance for the past 12 years. Then you WILL pay for the past 12 years.

You had a child. Did you really think you could just walk away with no responsibilities? It's too bad you weren't interested enough to know your son before, but now you have the opportunity.

I don't understand how the loss of your family is the fault of your ex.

Also, there is no statute of limitations for child support filed before the age of majority, nor does the doctrine of laches apply.
I agree with Irish. you had a child with this woman now you have to support it. If she was on any sort of govenment assistance the state is going to force her to file a CS order. You have a right to get a visitation order and try to see the child. There is no SOL to filing CS it just has to happen before the child turns the age of majority.

You might want to google the state she is in the child support guidelines to get an idea of what you might pay. Also your 2 kids MIGHt be factored in depending on what the guidelines say. If you chose to ignore this for 12 years and hope and pray she doesnt file anything, that is not just her fault.
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