Doctor doesn't like rating

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I had made a comment about my family doctor on a website, where you can rate your md. It was a bad rating because of what happen. The doctor was suppose to make a house call and didn't show up. They didn't call, and then a week later denied that they even had an appointment. This wasn't the first time this has happened. The doctor saw the rating and said she no longer wants to be our family doctor. She told us to remove the rating, which we can't. The website is run by regular people who have nothing to do with any association or any medical practice. She said she threatened us with taking us to court if we don't remove the comment.

My question is was she right in refusing medical help to someone who is bedridden, and can I get in trouble for stating my opinion about a true event on a site where I didn't leave any information about myself?
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Q: My question is was she right in refusing medical help to someone who is bedridden, and can I get in trouble for stating my opinion about a true event on a site where I didn't leave any information about myself?

A: I am not sure what facts there are to make you say that this doctor is guilty of "refusing" medical help.

Yes, you can get in trouble for just about anything you do these days.

In any event, tell the doctor to jump in the lake and then get a new doctor.
She called our home to tell us she no longer wants to be our doctor. She is threatening us to sue.

Today she called and said she will come see my garandmother but will no longer be our doctor.
Did you expect her to continue to be your doctor after you trashed her in public?
Trashed her? no
Decribed what happend? yes

All doctors expect their patients to call in at least 24 hours in advance if they can't make the appointment, so why can't they call their patients if they can't make theirs. A person who is bedridden doesn't really have choice as to when they can see a doctor, it's up to the doctor. Like I said before, this isn't the first time she didn't show up without a phone call.
I know what website you are talking about and if you feel that strongly that they deserved the bad rating, then its time to find another DR.

Most people that give Dr's a bad rating, no longer want to be their patients. So it is really not reasonable of you to expect this DR is going to service you after it.

Personally, if you do not remove the rating, and you should not have too if you honestly feel this DR. is not professional, then find another DR.

As far as the threats to sue, unless they can prove that what is being said it totally false, they can threaten all they want. You cannot sue someone for having an opinion. The constitution gives us the freedom of speech but it does not always come without consequences.

Good luck
Thanks. We were going to switch doctors anyway because I am pregnant, so I am not sad to see this happen. I just didn't think she would care this much what one patient out of 1000s has to say on a site not frequented by many people from our area.
She called our home to tell us she no longer wants to be our doctor. She is threatening us to sue.

Today she called and said she will come see my garandmother but will no longer be our doctor.

I wouldn't let this doc see anyone; not even garand.
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