do i have a case?

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New Member
i was out of work with and injured hand. i called the 800 number every day and went through the complete process for being out of work. i have many hours of sick time available so this is what was being used. on the 5th day of my being out, an asset protection cooridinator, not a manager, beeped me on my 2 way radio. with her, a salary manager was standing in on the conversation too. they said after 3 days of absence i am to take a leave of absence, then they proceeded to say " we are just calling to help you save your job" now this being a friday, i was not to return to work until monday(my reg. schedule), am i supposed to wonder if i return to work will i be fired? do they know something i do not? after 10 years with a company is this any way to threaten an employee? are they threatening my job? do I have a case? can they call me(beep me on my radio not call on my home phone which everyone at my job knows the number) and do this?
thank you
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