Divorcing at the age of 23


New Member
I cannot believe I am considering a divorce at the age of 23.

We have two cars. Both cars are in husbands name and were acquired before marriage. One was acquired when we were together long term right before we got engaged. DH is a law student and is telling me both of the cars are his.

Is this true since both were acquired pre marriage? Am I going to be stuck without a car? :(

Edit: car I drive was obtained by his parents buying it for him. It's in his name entirely. He never drives it. It is maintained and driven ONLY by me. His car he paid cash in. I gave him $3,000 for insurance so we could buy that car.
He's right. Since both were acquired pre-marriage, they both belong to him. You are entitled to half of what was acquired during the marriage - what he owned prior to the marriage is not included in that. Just as what you owned prior to the marriage belongs to you.
Yep; even in a community property state such as Ca., assets obtained by either of you in your name only prior to marriage belong to such person completely.
Yep, both cars are fully his. It does not become yours just because you were allowed to use it during the marriage. Community property starts at the time of marriage, not just when you have been dating a while and are thinking about marriage.