Divorced in 2001 - Living together from 2002 - as unmarried couple


New Member
My wife and I were divorced in 2001 in Alemeda County. I met all divorce stipulations. Ex wife and I reconciled in 2002 and tried to change divorce to legal separation, the court/Judge in Alemeda county CA denied the request.

We sold the house in LIvermore Ca and purchased a home in Oregon (no mortgage).

We sold the house in Oregon and purchased a more expensive home the ex-wife wanted. We are both on the title.

Recently my ex-wife and I separated for good and she now wants to sell the house and receive full proceeds from the sale. She believes that the original divorce decree from 2001 is still in effect.

Ex-wife is also demanding alimony and part of my business.

Business is Oregon LLC and I am the sole partner. My ex-wife has no stock, ownership in the business. She has never been actively involved in the business.

What are my rights?

I believe I should get 1/2 proceeds from house, pay no alimony, and have sole rights to business.
My wife and I were divorced in 2001 in Alemeda County. I met all divorce stipulations. Ex wife and I reconciled in 2002 and tried to change divorce to legal separation, the court/Judge in Alemeda county CA denied the request.

We sold the house in LIvermore Ca and purchased a home in Oregon (no mortgage).

We sold the house in Oregon and purchased a more expensive home the ex-wife wanted. We are both on the title.

Recently my ex-wife and I separated for good and she now wants to sell the house and receive full proceeds from the sale. She believes that the original divorce decree from 2001 is still in effect.

Ex-wife is also demanding alimony and part of my business.

Business is Oregon LLC and I am the sole partner. My ex-wife has no stock, ownership in the business. She has never been actively involved in the business.

What are my rights?

I believe I should get 1/2 proceeds from house, pay no alimony, and have sole rights to business.

You are NOT married.

Divorces don't get reversed.

If you divorced and later decided you didn't want to be divorced, all you had to do was get remarried.

You didn't do that, you simply bought and sold property with both names on title as single people.

You each own i/2 of the house.

She owns no part of your business, she takes nothing from yoru business.

You only owe alimony if it was ordered to be paid from the divorce in 2002.

Even if that was an issue then, its likely not to be one now.

If I were you, I'd discuss all of this mess with a divorce or family law attorney.

I'd do nothing until I had hired a lawyer to represent me.

If you do, you're likely to regret it.

When things are settled this time, it might be wise to stay as far away form her as you can.