Divorce with the wrong SSN on the marriage Cert

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The marriage took place about 5 years ago and I was shipped to Korea and have never seen her again. It turns out that my social security number has been wrong all this time on the marriage certificate. How can you get a divorce when it turns out on the marriage certificate has your wrong social security number on it?
It will have no effect on the divorce accept that your attorney probably should either note it in the divorce petition or you should go correct it on the marriage certificate before you file for divorce.
Why would you need to inform the judge and or need to change it on the marriage cert? If it doesn't seem to be a problem I do not understand why you need to note of it on the petition or change it. I am in the army and being brought up on article 15 for bigamy and need to prove on my appeal that the marriage is not valid. In the military your SSN is you how they base it is you. If I took this court and had to fight it could I win in courts it isn't a binding marriage because the ssn is wrong and was filed wrong on it? I'm looking at it as in your ssn is your indentity and if that wasn't the case why would need to have a ssn then. Why should everyone be worried about identity theft if your ssn isn't that big of a deal etc?
Well you changed the entire question by throwing the Article 15 in the mix. Why didn't you say so to begin with?

I personally think you are in trouble unless you can convince someone that you were not the one that got married the first time. The technicality that the social security number is wrong would not invalidate your marriage. I suppose you can argue it but it isn't a very good argument.
I have had none to little sleep sorry about that. Plus I am stationed in Iraq at the moment. It still doesn't answer my question in to if it isn't that big of a deal why would you need to put a note on the petition and or change the marriage cert before you start the divorce?
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