Divorce when dealing with mental disabilities

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New Member
My cousin has schiziophrenia with paranoa tendencies. He has applied for his disability and is waiting for the final decision--therefore he is not working. He has been married for two and a half years. They have one child. The wife works and supports the family. He stays home and cares for their child as well as her uncles two children who she has agreed to keep in order for them not to be placed in foster care. Jay, my cousin, needs medication but his wife, Vee, refuses to pay for mental heath care or needed meds. She continually degrades Jay in front of the children, tells him to leave, that is an unfit father and husband, then, she will not allow him to leave. She and her mother appear to be playing head games with Jay. He wants to take some type of action, but does not want to loose his son. Vee tells him she has papers stating he has no parental rights and is an unfit parent due to his disability; however, she has not problem leaving his son as well as her cousins in his care daily.
What can Jay do to inniciate a divorce and keep parental rights to his son?
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