Divorce Guidelines

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New Member
My boyfriend is currently going through a divorce, now his ex-wife to be wants him to admit to adultery. Now he never committed adultery, and I can swear by that and so can a number of other people. Now they were married less than 1 year, and she says they can speed up the divorce if he commits to adultery. Now the question we have is if he signs the papers saying he committed adultery, to fast track the divorce. Shall he get stuck with all the legal costs that his ex-wife has incurred, he currently is not represented by counsel, he wants to just get a divorce under relationship breakdown, which is all this is. But she said that if he agrees to the adultery than they can get the divorce before a year is up. We really don't know if she is trying to con him, or if he should just sign the papers, he wants to divorce her badly, but he is an immigrant and his permanent residency is still in the works, so he isn't working, so therefore he cannot pay any kind of money, because he doesn't have any. I am the one taking care of him until his permanent residency comes through, and their issues is their issues and has nothing to do with me, so we need to know if he is going to get screwed if he signs the papers to finally get her out of his life once and for all.:confused:
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