Discriminatory Layoff

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New Member
I got laidoff by employer under surplus condition. According to Corporate policy, during surplus condition, no replacement occur within the work group for the job. But within the month, my manager added two employees to the group from other groups, both with no experience of my area. I am a minority and the two new people are not.
Also, I noticed that most of the people laidoff in the department, are old ladies(>45), old men(>50), black or Asians.

I have been offered severance(3wks salary), but asked to waive my rights to sue them.

How strong my case of job discrimination is? Did they violate their affirmative action rule.

State is New Jersey. If I sue them what are future consequences.
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You should first discuss the matter with an employment lawyer since it seems like there may be a pattern of discrimination. Such discrimination against people of a "suspect class" -- for example race -- is a federal offense. This is also known as a "Title VII" civil rights violation. We can refer you to a local specialist if necessary. Affirmative action for hiring is a different matter.
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