Discrimination,violation of labor laws=my termination??

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: California

I worked as a cashier for a major gas station and was terminated for the following reasons:1. I was sitting down reading the newspaper. Yes, I was sitting down reading the newspaper, earlier that week at home I tripped and fell down my stairs, pulled my groin muscle and bruised my tailbone and it was painful to stand for LONG PERIODS OF TIME WITHOUT A PADDED FLOOR MAT OR A BREAK (laws of labor and ergonomics) they didn't provide the chair I used a step stool and piled boxes of plastic bags and then rags for comfort.:
(laws of labor & ergonomics):yes:The owners wife happend to come in that day and seen me and was huffin and puffin around the store. They don't allow us for breaks or to sit when it's not busy. I had occasions where I NEEDED to use the bathroom so bad #2 :blush where my stomach would hurt so bad and sweat pouring off me (no keys to lock door either) I would have to wait for a regular customer that I was familiar with to watch the register while I used the bathroom. My shift was anywhere from 5-7 hours long.
The new employee they hired is a college student and he was told that he could bring his homework and do it while working.:no: How can that be? I get fired for reading the newspaper but he can do his homework. Another reason they said they terminated me was because I had too many drive offs, I only recall having 1 and it was MY fault but I offered to pay for it and I did pay it back $20.00 out of 4 of my paychecks. Driveoffs happen all the time to everyone that is employed there. so this is not an isolated incident. I feel they have violated many of the labor laws not to mention some federal laws as well -regarding IRS (won't get into that right now):eek: I could go on and on. I have applied for unemployment and was told that he will fight it. (my sister works there also that's why I know all this
And what law do you think was broke? In order for there to be a "wrongful Termination" they must be a violation of law, cba or, employment contract. I see none of these in your post sorry.
funny, I guess I think I know to much huh! If no laws were broken, do you feel I was discriminated against for firing someone for something and allowing the other employees to do the same thing? Also, Iv'e visited the website on ergonomics and employers are suppose to make the work place ergonomically safe for employees like providing mats for standing on and allowing for bathroom breaks. Do you think or feel that working under those conditions is unfair after requesting and being denied
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