Deformation of Character -- Do I have a case?

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I need some advice.

My daughter was in an altercation last week with another student (of African American descent) in P.E. class over a game they were playing. A verbal argument ensued but there was no physical contact, only heated words over whether one was right or wrong, with regards to the rules of the game. The following day my daughter was called to the principals office and was accused by the African American girl and her parents of calling her the "N word."

Apparently the school conducted an investigation and took statements from four other girls who are friends of the African American girl and each of them claim to have over heard my daughter use this racial slur in the locker room, however the African American girl claims it took place in the Gymnasium during their argument.

Despite the discrepancies in the statements, the principal decided to discipline my daughter with an ISD (in school suspension). Because of the inconsistencies in the girls statements and based on my daughters own testimony, I decided to investigate this my self. Upon doing so I found out that there were two girls that were standing right next to my daughter in the gymnasium when the arguing occurred. I called their parents and questioned the girls and they both stated that they did not hear my daughter use that word.

I confronted the principal with my findings and asked that he re-investigate this incident and interview the two girls that were in the Gymnasium and in close proximity to where the altercation occurred. The principal did and took written statements from those girls who again testified that they did not hear my daughter use those words.

The school contacted me later that day and said they were sticking by their previous decision and it was irrelevant where it took place, only that there were witnesses who said that it did occur.

At this point I am not sure how to proceed. It seems as though the school's objective here is not to obtain the truth but to be politically correct and thwart any attempt by the girls parents in filing suit against them for not acting or taking disciplinary measures against my daughter.

I would like to file a law suit my self and clear my daughters name, however, I'm not sure if this can be done through small claims. As I understand it, small claims court is reserved for civil matters dealing with money. I do believe that my family and I have incurred damages from loss work and emotional distress. As it stands my daughter is afraid of being labeled as a racist and this whole issue has definitely caused a strain on her other African American friendships.

If I pursued this in small claims court my real objective would be to prove this girl is lying by getting the court to awarded my family and I some amount of money as a result of her false allegations.

Do my plans seem logical from a legal perspective? Any help and advise you can give would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Do you have any witnesses who can testify that she did not use a racial slur in the locker room?
The accuser said my daughter used this racial slur in the gymnasium and after 24hrs of gossip and rumors, she got four of her friends to say that they did hear my daughter say that word. It was not until the principal took statements from them that the stories did not add up ( I.E. The accuser says the gym and her friends say the locker room) so for me what happened in the locker room is irrelevant.
If your goal is to clear your daughter's reputation, suing the other girl for damages in small claims court is not the way to do it. You will not be able to "prove the girl is lying" in court. A court might believe her, it might believe your daughter, but it won't declare one or the other to be a liar. At most, the court will find it more probable than not that your daughter did not use the racial slur. (Frankly, I would imagine the court would go out of its way to avoid making any kind of finding about that one way or the other. They might dismiss your daughter's claim because your daughter (the target of the accusation) suffered no damages.) I would suggest you're better off pursuing this through the school district.
We are appealing it through the school board, however I would expect they will up hold the principals decision, so I'm not sure what else I can do to keep her from being punished for something she did not do.

I'm open to any other suggestions.
I don't have any other suggestions. It's a school matter. Even if you succeed in small claims court, that won't wipe out her school record or remove her school punishment. Pursuing it through whatever school channels are available is the way to go.

I guess, conceivably, if your appeal is unsuccessful, you could sue the school board in your state superior court for an order expunging this from her record or something along those lines.
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