Define Retirement

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New Member
I have been paying alimony for 10 or more years.
I have lost my job and I am 65 in December.
I can collect full social security at 66.
I would like to retire now.
Collect social security and work full or part time at a lesser paying job than I have the last 45 years.
My divorce papers say alimony stops at my retirement.
How is retirement defined?
Can I make the alimony stop?
If not all my part time or lesser job income will be taken from me.
I don't know, but it seems that retirement from the career that the alimony was based on would terminate the obligation. However, to be on the safe side, you could file in court for termination or modification of the alimony.

If no one else has a more definitive answer, you might want to check with your lawyer.
Thanks for the feedback. I would assume (bad idea) that if I am taking social security and working part time or in a field much smaller than before, ( was a general manager) I should be OK.
Thanks again
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