Defamation of Character


New Member
My niece posted something on her wall and commented on someone else's post that I am a con artist, and that I need to pay my step sister the money I stole form her and she even stated that I sold my private area to my husband and called my husband an old fart. She posted that I am a Gold digger and a whore and I got all the evidence copied and I shot screen everything and it ruined my reputation the the whole village back in Philippines. I live here in Alaska and she lived in Lacey Washington, is there a case I can file to sue and make her pay the damaged she caused?
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Lawsuits are about money. They also cost money ... a LOT of money. So, if you have $20,000-$25,000 to spend to get started, have evidence of harm as a result of libelous and untrue claims, and your niece has the capability to pay any judgement you MIGHT (long hot) receive, then start consulting attorneys.
What do you want to sue for - what monetary damages have you suffered?