Defamation of character

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I will try to make a long story short. We rented property from a person to place mobile homes on to rent for 9 years. This person put undue hardship on us by demanding no children under the age of 15 was allowed on the property due to a open well (which was inside a building on the property). For 6 of the nine years we were able to keep them rented. Finally this year we sold the mobiles to a man and we told him of this stipulation (no children under 15).
We had paid the rent for the property in Feb. this is when the man moved in. He failed to pay March & April. Because my husband was friends & co-worker with him we paid the rents for him and he paid us. Three weeks after he moved in the property owners contacted us and ask us to move the mobiles because of the children living there and they wanted to use the property for something else. We informed them at this time that we had sold them.
Now to my point, the property owners went to the man we sold the mobiles to and told him that we knew we had to move the mobiles before we sold them, which we did not. Since then my husband has lost his car pool (they drive 45 miles to work) and his character has been slander at the job. My husband works in copper mining and does very dangerous work. He has since been put in very dangerous situations on the jobsite because the property owners made it look like we were unloading a problem onto someone else. My question is do we have any recourse in this situation. :)
Q: My question is do we have any recourse in this situation.

A: I didn't see anything defamatory in your post.
defamation and slander

I worked for a large pharma company for 4 years...left and went to a competitor company for 2; was recruited back to original company and was verbally offered job before i got to airport.

Ex-husband's wife and her friend got in touch with hiring manager and was told that offer was rescinded. Was told it had to do with integrity and teamwork issues...manager would not tell me what specifically was said so i could defend my character and work history. He also told me that a "doctor" called in to complain. My ex-husband is a doctor.

I have never had a bad review with this i have any recourse? This almost a 6 figure income job; it's a small town...i feel slandered but i have no idea what was said.

Can i go after this company? What about specifically the persons involved in sabatoging this job?
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