decieved and false alegations

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New Member
I wrote this out once before, but maybe I didn't post it correctly......

Any ways this all started 4 months ago; I came home one night after work to find my wife crying. After trying to console her and find out what was wrong, she informed me that someone had called social services and claimed I was sexually abusing my 4 year old daughter, which I was not!!! Anyways I was told by social services I had to leave the house or the kids would be taken away. So I moved to my mother in laws. After a week I was asked to go for a police interview, afterwards we asked if I could go home and was told yes. A week later we were contacted by social services again and were told I had to leave again and I had no right going home, they even said I was lying about the police saying I could go home. So I moved back to my in laws again.

This time my mother in law tells me she thinks my wife was setting me up, my wife had accused the ex husband of sexually abusing their kids, she had social services go after his girlfriend later, she also accused her step dad numerous times about abusing her sexually, and the list goes on, there are at least 7 or more different people that have been accused of sexual abuse by my wife. I didn't or couldn't believe my mother in law. Anyways we kept going, I got to spend my weeks alone, but spend the weekends with Traci and the kids, at least the days.

Traci wasn't allowed at her moms, they had an argument before this all started, turns out it was Traci telling her mom she was leaving me.

One night I had a really rough night, and I needed to talk to my wife, I texted her and 10, no answer, I called at midnight, her son answered the phone and said she had gone out to drive some people home after drinking at our place, so I told him to have her call me. as I was already in bed I dozed off and woke up at 1 am, so I called her, no answer, called her cell no answer, so I kept calling, finally I decided I was going to drive by the house just to make sure she made it home, I was worried, so I called and left a message of what I was doing. I wasn't supposed to go near the house but I was worried. So when I got there she was in the front yard, there was a strange car in the driveway and a guy wearing no shirt standing there, I accused her of cheating on me, which I regret. Anyways I told her I was sorry, but with everything going on I was insecure about losing her and my family.

She was very mad at me. Anyways the next day everything seemed ok, but she said she had to think and was hurt by my accusation. So a few days later we met and she informed me she couldn't do it anymore, I was devastated. That night we talked again on the phone and she said she had done that because of me going to the house I put the kids at risk, which I understand, so she was just trying to separate us in the eyes of social services, but she still loved me.

Anyways now I need to back up a few days, I found out she had a ad on plenty of fish, a dating site, so I signed up and contacted her under a alias, we chatted online for many days, and we were getting close, she wasn't looking for a relationship, just friends, but if there was a spark so much the better. Anyways I learned allot about how she felt about me. which wasn't good, she even when she was talking to my alias they found out he work with me before and he said he would talk to my boss and see if it would get me fired she responded that he shouldn't cuz it would affect her child support,, and when he said he did she didn't seem to care, except it meant I might leave the area.

Anyways she keeps telling me that she cares and supports me, but she has to move on. All I want to do is prove what she has done and get my kids from her, if she is willing to manipulate the kids to get what she wants, she doesn't deserve to raise the kids.

I have also gotten other proof, but since it was because she isn't to cleaver with her passwords I have copied messages on facebook and on POF, but since I got them that way they can't be used

Thanks for allowing me to vent, I don't think anyone here can help, unless you are a matlock and can help find a way to prove my innocence
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