Dad never paid child support...what can i do?

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New Member
this is gonna be a long one, folks.

my parents divorced fourteen years ago. in the divorce decree, it was written that my father had to pay minimal child support until i was emancipated (which happened when i was 23 or 24), and that my mother, when she retired, would pay him a certain amount of her retirement.

my father made one child support payment to my mother, and she gave it back to him because he told her he needed it to pay his rent. he never paid a dime after that. and she never asked for it, because he told her as they were walking out the doors of the courtroom the day the divorce was finalized never to ask him for another dime. also, she was too busy working forty to sixty hours per week to be on the phone with friend of the court all day. so he never paid.

fourteen years later, my mother has taken early retirement, and has asked him to sign off on her retirement, which he refuses to do. and the statute of limitations is up on her collecting that back child support because, according to the state of michigan, you can only collect up to ten years after the child turns eighteen. i am twenty nine. so it's too late for her.

my question is, does anyone know if it's possible that I could sue him for that? or does the statute apply to me too?
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