Custody Question

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I am trying to get some advice if anyone knows about this or has any person experience.
I am almost 25 and just recently graduated from college. I have been dating my boyfriend for a while now and we just recently found out that I'm pregnant. He has been battling a drug problem for about 5 years now, has been in rehab and still can't seem to stop. I had just ended things with him when I found out I was pregnant and then actually believed him when he said he would get help and stay clean. Well now I am 5 months pregnant and he has continued to use, even going as far a stealing things from my home to pawn including my mother's jewlery. I have never pressed charges because his mother always gets in the middle and bails him out. Well I am through with it now, and just want to know what my rights are. All that matters now is protecting the baby and I wouldn't even be able to trust him around a new born because he is always high.
I need to know if I leave him if I will be able to keep him from the baby, or at least make sure he only has supervised visits until he can prove he is clean for more than a month. He seems to think I wont be able to this.
He dropped out of college because of drugs, has had 3 jobs in the past two months that he has been fired from, has 2 DUIs on his record, has been in rehab and cant stay clean.
I recently graduated, have a full time job, no criminal record, and have never taken any type of illegal drug before.
Does anyone know what my options are, what I need to do to insure the saftey of my child, and if he really can have rights?
I don't want child support from him, or any type of financial help I just want him to stay away from my child if all he is going to be is a let down and a druggie.
Because you two are not married, he is, legally, not considered to be the father at this time. Until (and unless) paternity is established (after the baby is born) he really has no rights at this time.

IF he choses to establish paternity then he can request his rights to this child. You would need to prove that he would be a danger to the child to have his contact limited to supervised visitation.

Isn't it correct, that as soon as a he chooses to establish paternity, then he would be liable for child support.
Forgive me if this is a "duh" question but would it be advisable for her to not name him on the birth certificate?
Well in all aspects you chose a very lousy guy to have a baby with. Once paternity is established he will gave some rights to the baby. If I were you, I would plan on raising the baby myself and not include him at all. Let him fight to establish paternity if that is what he wants but I would not count on getting much from him. It is up to you on whehter or not you want to file child support, I would be VERY leary of anything that could give him rights to the child. You do not have to file anything as long as you do not go on government assistance. Once you do that they will file a child support order.

So yes if I were you, stop communicating with him and do not name him as the father.
If he decided he wants to be part of the baby's life and fight for it you have to be prepared.
If I were you I would definitely press charges against him as this would favor you in court.
Get as much evidence of his drug abuse and how irresponsible he is while you can.
I dont think any court will grant him unsupervised visitation if he is not clean.
Im really sorry you are going through this during your pregnancy. Good luck.
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