Custody Question

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New Member
My ex wife and I have joint legal and physical costody of our two children age 10 and 6. I have them 50% of the time as is ordered in our divorce settlement. I pay no child support but provide medical insurance and daycare expenses. Recently she called me to tell me that she was having money problems and asked that I take the children for the next two months. While she gets back on her feet. She is moving out of her townhouse and in with her current boyfriend. I live about 30 minutes from her and the children's school and this would mean I would have to change my entire schedule around. I would rather move the kids to school closer to me since they would be with me anyway and there is no guarantee that this would only be for two months. She is against this. Is there grounds for me to file for full physical custody? I had the children the entire summer and the percentage of my parenting time is way over 50%. Also I think she is providing an unstable environment for the kids since she has moved 3 times since the divorce. And if so is this something I can do by myself or should I hire a lawyer to do it? Money is tight for me after paying for the divorce. Thanks
more than likely

More than likely you are going to have to hire a lawyer. You can go to the court house and file a petition for child custody on your own it iwll cost you around 175.00 (that is what it is in TN) but for the actual court hearing I would hire a lawyer, also it is extreamly hard to prove the mother as unfit. my finace and I are going though this right now and all I can say is good luck and I hope the best for your children.
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